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Parks & Recreation 11.01.10 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of November 1, 2010

Committee Members: Lauren McMullen (LM), Billie Luker (BL); Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF); Patricia Fillmore (PF), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff:  Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy:  none

7:20pm Quorum, meeting called to order Lauren McMullen
Audience of Citizens:  None

Acceptance of Minutes: 10/18/10
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept minutes as is for 10/18/10 meeting
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
        Accept:  6              Opposed:  0             Abstained: 0
Motion Passed
New Business

Old Business
•       Signs at Arthur Kenney Turf Field (LM)
The School Committee asked that P&R go to the Hillview Commission to get their opinion on having signs at the Arthur Kenny Turf Field.  The Athletic Sub-Committee liked the idea and the Building Inspector already approved it. After P&R meets with the Hillview Commission they will bring it back to the School Committee.  

Parks Director Updates (MT)
•       Skate Park (MT)
Marty has taken pictures of the repairs that need to be done at the skate park and has forwarded then to someone to get an estimate on how much work and cost it would take to repair.  Marty has not heard from Jeff Yule regarding a fund raiser for the skate park.  Discussion was had.

Recreation Director Updates (LC)
•       Middle School Tennis Courts
Matt Tiberii and the children taking tennis showed up last Saturday morning at the Middle School courts and the nets were already taken down.  The program still has two classes left. Because the class could not happen due to the nets being gone, the tennis will have to be moved to IRP and extended for two weeks.  Because of this, if it gets too cold for the kids to play we will have to refund the kids and still pay Matt for showing up for the day when they could not play.  Lynne spoke with Wayne Hardacker regarding the courts and scheduling and checking with her regarding classes running.  He apologized for the mix up and said in the future he will try to remember to call her for updates.  Lynne said she will make sure she touches base with Wayne regarding the future schedules at the Middle School Courts.
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Operations Director Updates (MS)
•       FY2012 Budget report
Maureen is working on the FY2012 budget report which is due in January.  She is also preparing an impact statement of what the effects would be to our department if the Parks & Recreation is cut from the budget.

LUC Updates (RM)
•       Rita informed the committee that we did not receive the PARC Grant.

•       Rita reported that Ken Tarr asked for the quotes on the base cement slab for the pavilion.  Marty stated that it is about $15K for the Cement base.  Ken stated that even though we did not receive the grant he would like to proceed with the pavilion project and he is inquiring if P&R will be able to designate any monies toward the project. P&R is apprehensive about spending any monies right now.

(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion that if LUC has the ability to pay for the Pavilion at IRP in full, Parks & Recreation would be in favor of continuing to move forward and support the project.
(PF) Patricia Fillmore seconds the motion.
        Approved:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

FONRPRC, Inc Update (SS)
•       Black Friday Bowl Fundraiser
Sheila updated the committee that the Black Friday Bowl will be moving forward and there will be at least 12 teams playing on that day.  Sheila asked Marty if the press box could be accessed for music on that day and Marty will speak with Chuck Carucci.

Other Business

•       Follow up from meeting with Selectman Mike Prisco (LM)
Lauren referred to the article in the Transcript regarding cutting the Library and Parks & Recreation from the Town Budget. Selectman Prisco met with the Directors of the department and Lauren and Billie on October 28th.  He wanted to speak with the department to go over what the impact may be if Parks & Recreation was cut from the Town Budget.  Selectman Prisco suggested that we prepare and impact statement of how the cuts would affect our operations and staff.  

Lauren suggested that we need to be looking for new fresh ideas to explore to raise our revenues.

•       Next Meeting date (SS)-  November 15th in Room 5 at Town Hall at 7pm
                               LM will not be at the next meeting, and RM may not be able to attend.
BL will be at the next meeting.

•       Agenda items for next meeting date (SS)
o       Signs at Arthur Kenny Field

(RM)    a motion was made by Rita Mullin for the meeting to adjourn to adjourn at 9:21pm.
(PF)    Patricia Fillmore seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.